Monthly Archives: December 2008
My relationship with Blake’s Place in Anaheim goes back nearly 11 years ago, when I found a coupon for them in the Pennysaver and tried them out. Blake’s Place was great from the first taste back then, but then the relationship that brought me to their part of town fizzled […]
There may be a lack of new posts in the upcoming weeks as we search for a new home office for Eat in OC. The Mrs. and I are currently in the process of purchasing a home in the city of Orange. If you are interested in reading about it […]
After we celebrated Thanksgiving with our families, we headed out to Las Vegas to relax and spend some time with friends. Although I’m not going to go in depth about the food we ate, I’m going to do a quick review. Don’t go to the Cafe/Coffee Shop at Bally’s service […]
Orange County – OC Register’s Food Section Run by Morons – Stick a Fork In It – OC Weekly Gustavo from OC Weekly rants about the OC Register’s food section and their terrible decision to let Kat Nguyen from their food blog go. I communicated with Kat from time to […]