Check out our friend Cynthia Furey’s list of places to eat for Mother’s Day this weekend over at her Taste of Orange blog. You’ll find specials for both Saturday and Sunday.
Yearly Archives: 2010
Image by josewolff via Flickr Anyone out there familiar with Six Taste Food Tours? From what I gather after doing some reading they do weekend food tours in LA, tours include; Little Tokyo, New Chinatown, and others. I only heard about their tours through another site called Goldstar that offers […]
Check out this Onion News Network report on Taco Bell’s new green menu, none of the ingredients come from nature. Now that is a green initiative that I can get behind! Taco Bell’s New Green Menu Takes No Ingredients From Nature Just another way for restaurant owners to be green!
Just a couple of days ago I posted an article about the best pizza in Southern California and my friend Sean suggested we check out Nick’s Pizza in Costa Mesa. Little did I know that Gustavo Arellano from OC Weekly was also going to recommend Nick’s in this week’s Hole […]
For those of you that use Facebook, we are on it as well. Come like us on Facebook and win fabulous prizes! Actually there aren’t any fabulous prizes today but if I ever get a restaurant or food company offering us free stuff, we will for sure offer it out as […]
So on Wednesday night we cooked the flowering kale that we had picked up an Albertson’s mention in the earlier blog post. I decided to turn it into Crispy Kale per the recipe I found at Steamy Kitchen . Even with cooking it as the recipe suggested it didn’t really […]
Image by trixieskips via Flickr Now we aren’t really the “fine dining” type of people usually, so it’s unlikely that we will visit any of these restaurants, but it’s still interesting to see what restaurants are regarded as the world’s “best”. Top 5 1. Noma (Denmark) 2. El Bulli (Spain) […]
Image by ddsnet via Flickr So another new once in a while feature here on Eat in OC. How Do I Cook! I convinced Mrs. DanGarion last night while we were doing grocery shopping that we should start expanding our vegetable comfort by exploring those vegetables at the store that we have […]