For those of you that use Facebook, we are on it as well. Come like us on Facebook and win fabulous prizes! Actually there aren’t any fabulous prizes today but if I ever get a restaurant or food company offering us free stuff, we will for sure offer it out as […]
So on Wednesday night we cooked the flowering kale that we had picked up an Albertson’s mention in the earlier blog post. I decided to turn it into Crispy Kale per the recipe I found at Steamy Kitchen . Even with cooking it as the recipe suggested it didn’t really […]
Image by trixieskips via Flickr Now we aren’t really the “fine dining” type of people usually, so it’s unlikely that we will visit any of these restaurants, but it’s still interesting to see what restaurants are regarded as the world’s “best”. Top 5 1. Noma (Denmark) 2. El Bulli (Spain) […]
Image by ddsnet via Flickr So another new once in a while feature here on Eat in OC. How Do I Cook! I convinced Mrs. DanGarion last night while we were doing grocery shopping that we should start expanding our vegetable comfort by exploring those vegetables at the store that we have […]
Image by wallyg via Flickr Over the weekend Serious Eats had the second part of their Where to Eat Pizza in California article, which was supposed to cover Southern California, unfortunately it only covered Los Angeles except for a single Orange County pizzeria by the name of Il Dolce Pizzeria at […]
Image by i eated a cookie via Flickr Actually I don’t know if this is a the winner, but I’m sure it’s pretty close, especially since this is just for the main entrée portion and doesn’t even include the sides. Claim Jumper’s Beef Back Ribs have 4,301 Calories, 7,623 mg of sodium, […]
We purchased a pressure cooker a couple of months ago and I have become obsessed with it. The fact that I can take a piece of meat that normally takes 3-4 hours to cook and cook it in about an hour has charged me up to find more things to […]
Today we have another guest review! This one coming from The Cookie Sleuth, and it’s another place in Old Towne Orange. I can vouch for her that she knows her’s stuff, Mrs. DanGarion and I baked some cookies a couple days ago that were a recommendation of the Cookie Sleuth […]