The wonderful staff at the Queen Mary invited us to sample their menus and views with other local bloggers last month and I wanted to share all the great stuff they are doing on the beautiful Ship in Long Beach. The Queen Mary isn’t just a tourist destination, in fact I […]
Beyond the Orange Curtain
A couple of weeks ago Mrs. DanGarion and I trekked to Oregon to enjoy cooler weather and the green scenery. While there we did our best to check out some restaurants that one would never find in Orange County, California. But first I wanted to share this awesome view we […]
If you are ever stuck out in Corona near the I-15, 91 and Magnolia you should check out Los Dogos. I went there a couple days ago when I was working at my day jobs Corona office for lunch at they make fantastic Sonora Style Hot Dogs. Bacon wrapped dog, […]
Photo’s from a dinner we had a couple weeks ago at Eatalian in Gardena. What was really cool about this place is that it’s in an industrial area and actually located in a building that used to house a textile factory. Dinner was really good, the pizzas although much thinner […]
This is my last travel review of the year. Work has been hectic and they have sent me all over, and for the grand finale they sent me to beautiful Indio, California! Actually most of my nights were spent in Palm Desert, while my days working were in Indio. The […]