Coming August 1st is Orange County’s 1st Cupcake Camp. From their press release. Orange County’s very first Cupcake Camp would like to personally invite you to an event for cupcake lovers (professional and amateurs) to bake or buy cupcakes to bring or simply come to eat cupcakes and raise money […]
Special Event
In just a couple of weeks St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church in Irvine will be holding their 32nd Annual Greek Festival ‘A Taste of Greece’. When you first hear it, you might think it’s the food festival with a funny name, but I’m here to tell you they are serious […]
Check out our friend Cynthia Furey’s list of places to eat for Mother’s Day this weekend over at her Taste of Orange blog. You’ll find specials for both Saturday and Sunday.
Image by josewolff via Flickr Anyone out there familiar with Six Taste Food Tours? From what I gather after doing some reading they do weekend food tours in LA, tours include; Little Tokyo, New Chinatown, and others. I only heard about their tours through another site called Goldstar that offers […]
It’s that time again for the 2010 Fullerton College Horticulture Department Tomato Sale (click here for details)! For just over $2 a plant you can get already growing tomato plants to add to your vegetable garden. Last year we purchased 8 tomato plants along with 2 pepper plants. I haven’t decided exactly […]
It’s funny, I’ve been doing this site for nearly 2 years, yet I’ve never really mentioned Orange County Restaurant Week. What is even worse, is that although I’m considered a OC “foodie” I’ve actually never purposely attended a single restaurant that was participating in OCRW. I did visit PF Chang’s […]
Image by Here’s Kate via Flickr So today is Pancake Tuesday, something I never knew anything about till I met my wife 5 years ago. Pancake Tuesday or the more familiar name Fat Tuesday is the last day for the next 40+ days that a Catholic can have something they […]