Orange, California Restaurant Reviews

Eat in OC Friends

It’s always good to reflect back on the previous year and thank those that have not only supported you with traffic but also provide guidance and assistance with both praise and feedback on your work, so we would like to thank all of you who Eat in OC consider friends.

Griffin at Griffin Eats OC has been there for me since day one when I first launched my site and I always look forward to seeing the new places we visits, especially since Mrs. DanGarion and I don’t typically head to South county as much him.

All the writers at Food Frenzy for the OC Register have always been great supporters of Eat in OC, I’ll miss Jeff, just like I miss Niyaz, but Claudia and new blogger Kathleen do a wonderful job covering Orange County food.

If I remember correctly Edwin at Monster Munching is one of the first people to link to me when I first starting writing reviews on my personal blog Powered By Dan, he’s always been a great guy and I appreciate his support these three years.

OCeater at Eating My Way Through OC is the marathon man of OC Food reviews I couldn’t even fathom visiting as many new places he does and writing as much as him, he has been an excellent source of feedback on restaurants we have yet to visit.

Gustavo, Edwin, Shuji, and Dave from Stick a Fork in It at the OC Weekly are the type of food writers I strive to be. All of them do a great job not only writing about food but always been available via email when I want to bug them or pick their brain. You four and the rest of your team are appreciated by me more than you will ever know.

Christian at OC Mex Food, your reviews of my most favorite food (Mexican) are always a delight and I always look forward to our chats when we run into each other at events.

Average Betty found my site last year after I posted about something and since then has linked to me, it’s a link I’m very appreciative of because it was completely unexpected. Thanks!

And then lastly You, all my readers. Who knew some guy with no professional writing experience whatsoever would actually have people visiting his website thousands of times a month, becoming one of the 200+ fans on Facebook, the hundreds of readers from Google Reader, the Redditors at the Orange County subreddit, or the many followers on Twitter (at either @DanGarion or @EatinOC). Thank you and I look forward to your kind words and comments in 2012.