Orange, California Restaurant Reviews

How Do I Cook: Flowering Kale

葉牡丹 Flowering Kale
Image by ddsnet via Flickr

So another new once in a while feature here on Eat in OC.  How Do I Cook!

I convinced Mrs. DanGarion last night while we were doing grocery shopping that we should start expanding our vegetable comfort by exploring those vegetables at the store that we have never had.  She agreed to the challenge which brought us our first contestant for How Do I Cook, Flowering Kale.  I think the Mrs. picked it just because it is purple and she wanted to see if I would say yes, I called her bluff and accepted the challenge.  So on Wednesday we plan to cook this bright purple colored leafy cabbage.  (Interesting tidbit, Mrs. DanGarion doesn’t like cabbage, and specifically said I couldn’t choose any type of cabbage.)  in my opinion flowering kale looks more like a flower arrangement than something I would eat, but I’m willing to try it.

So I now I implore you our faithful readers, How Do I Cook, Flowering Kale!?