Orange, California Restaurant Reviews

What’s Hot for 2011 Chef Survey

The National Restaurant Association recent released their What’s Hot in 2011 Chef Survey.  1,500 professional chefs around the country (all members of the American Culinary Federation) were asked which foods, beverages, cuisines, and culinary themes will be hot trends on restaurant menus for 2011.
Here are the top 5 Trends
1. Locally sourced meats and seafoods
2. Locally grown produce
3. Sustainability
4. Nutritionally balanced children’s dishes
5. Hyper-local (restaurant gardens, do your own butchering)
Additional highlights
The top 10 menu trends for next year will be locally sourced meats and seafood, locally grown produce, sustainability as a culinary theme, nutritious kids’ dishes, hyper-local items, children’s nutrition as a culinary theme, sustainable seafood, gluten-free/food allergy-conscious items, back-to-basics cuisine and farm-branded ingredients.

Thirty percent of the chefs said that mobile food trucks and pop-up restaurants will be the hottest operational trend in 2011; 18 percent said restaurants with gardens will be the top trend, and 17 percent said social media marketing.

Rounding out the top 20 hot menu trends are artisan liquor, locally-produced wine and beer, smaller portions for a smaller price, organic produce, nutrition as a culinary theme, culinary cocktails, newly fabricated cuts of meat, fruit/vegetable children’s side items, ethnic-inspired breakfast items and artisan cheese.

On the drink menu, micro-distilled spirits is the top item. Other alcohol items high on the list include locally produced beer and wine, culinary cocktails, food-beer pairings and beer dinners. Specialty iced tea top the nonalcoholic beverage category.

The chefs were also asked how chefs and restaurateurs can best promote health and nutrition. Twenty-one percent said create diet-conscious menu selections (including lower-sodium, -calorie and -fat items); 19 percent said increase fresh produce options on menus; and 17 percent said get involved in school nutrition/children’s education efforts.

For the entire list check out the news release.