Orange, California Restaurant Reviews

TK Burgers – Costa Mesa

So as I’ve mentioned before, my wife works every Saturday.  Well due to that I have the opportunity to eat wherever I want for both breakfast and lunch while she’s at work.  A couple months ago while looking for grubbage in the morning I stumbled upon this TK Burger that is located in Costa Mesa.  Now TK Burger wasn’t new to me in the sense that I knew they existed; but I had never ate there until that glorious day I decided to try their combo breakfast burrito.

Now I don’t order the combo breakfast burrito straight up.  The normal combo comes with bacon, ham, sausage, hashbrowns, cheese, and eggs; which is one packed burrito.  But I’m not usually a big ham for ham, so I always get no ham on my tortilla packed goodness.  Also because I’m trying to keep my aerodynamic shape of round, I usually order it without eggs.  But here is the deal, eggs or not this is one of the best breakfast burritos I’ve come across in Orange County.  The meats are cut up which allows them to intermesh themselves every other ingredient.  This way you are able to get all the tastes and flavors in every bite of burrito heaven.  In addition if you do order eggs I have noticed that they don’t tend to overcook them like most places.  The eggs are light and fluffy like scrambled eggs should be, instead of dense and burnt tasting like many eggs end up when cooked on the short order cooks grill.  I eat my burrito with a knife and fork because of its cooked to order hotness and size.  I cut the burrito in the middle lengthwise spread it out a little bit and fill it with nearly two cups of the vinegary liquid gold hot sauce that they have.  The hot sauce drowns my burrito into submission and nary is a piece of the burrito left when I’m done eating.

For the combo breakfast burrito alone I give TK Burgers 5 stars.  I have only been there once for anything else, like their Orange County famous hamburgers.  The hamburger was very good, it’s one of the better ones in OC and I would wait them a 4 if it was on the burger alone, but to me the real star is the breakfast burrito.

Service is fast in the morning at 8 am on Saturdays, I can’t really speak about any other times.  And in case you are into the sort of thing, the two girls that work the front counter are both cute; hey I may be married but it doesn’t hurt to admit the truths!

No pictures included since burritos pretty much always look the same.

Visit  06/21/2008

[xrr rating=5/5]

TK Burgers
615 W 19th Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 548-2858

TK Burgers (W. 19th St.) on Urbanspoon