These are interesting reviews from and around Orange County along with food stories and recipes from around the world: Restaurant critic: Let’s chew the fat – The new OC Register Food Sheriff is in town… Hopscotch Tavern – Downtown Fullerton – Griffin visits the new bar in Fullerton The Earl […]
We’ve finally made it to the Crow Burger Kitchen in Newport Beach. You may remember we went to the Crow Bar and Kitchen back in 2011 for my birthday and weren’t really impressed. We will decided to hit up their recently opened burger sit down to see if things were […]
So last night the newly opened Wild Goose Tavern in Costa Mesa had a media preview, and since someone out there considers me media I was invited to check out their sausage. Er wait that didn’t sound right. I was cordially invited to attend their media night to see their […]
These are interesting reviews from and around Orange County along with food stories and recipes from around the world: A New Take on Food at Fresh Griller – Eating My Way through OC checks out fresh food, fast. Baked rigatoni: Little work, lots of servings, and just 425 calories – […]
Mrs. DanGarion and I took a trip to Slater’s 50/50 in Anaheim recently for some burgers and see if they are still making as good of burgers as always. It was kickoff night for the NFL and all the TVs were tuned to the Cowboys vs. Giants game, but that […]
As many of you know, I’m a fan of Haven Gastropub in Orange. It’s my go to location for food and beer when I’m celebrating something and I have the choice of where we go. So when I heard they were going to be celebrating their 3rd Anniversary by finally […]
Last week, Mrs. DanGarion and I were cordially invited to a special event at Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park. It had been years since we’ve been to Knott’s for anything other than Knott’s Scary Farm, so we jumped on the invitation to try out some of their new food. […]
The Globe in Garden Grove is a restaurant that I have been meaning to check out for quite a while. A good friend of ours (Josh also known as DJ Gummo, who is a great DJ if you are looking for one) is a strong supporter of locally owned small businesses […]