Actually I don’t have a Chork, but if you are interested in getting some Chopstick/Forks now you can! The Chork can be used as Chopsticks, as a Cheater, or as a fork. Three utensils in one! Until you break them into Chopsticks that is. You can order your own Chork […]
3 posts
Image by josewolff via Flickr Anyone out there familiar with Six Taste Food Tours? From what I gather after doing some reading they do weekend food tours in LA, tours include; Little Tokyo, New Chinatown, and others. I only heard about their tours through another site called Goldstar that offers […]
If you can believe it, I’ve been doing this blog for well over a year now but this visit to Ma’s Islamic Chinese Restaurant in Anaheim is my first review of Chinese food ever on my blog. Funny thing, it’s not that I don’t like Chinese food, it’s just we […]