You might have seen me mention the guys over at the Orange Country Register’s Food Frenzy blog from time to time. Well recently Niyaz Pirani left to pursue other interests, but secretly longed to continue blogging about food. So by the power of the internet and a number of highly […]
Friends of EOC
Yes, I didn’t go, but I’ve read and watched everyone’s awesome reviews of the OC Foodie Fest, the reviews are so good I wanted to share as many as I can with you. My long time internet friend Amanda and her husband Andy who blog at Two Boos Who Eat, […]
I just wanted to bring to my reader’s attention this awesome blog my uncle pointed out to me, The Hamblogger! Two photojournalists scour Los Angeles and San Francisco reviewing hamburgers. It’s well written, with great photos, and some great looking burgers. I’ve followed them for the past couple weeks now, […]
Just in case you haven’t heard, Orange County will be having their own food truck get together in just two weeks. The OC Foodie Fest will be coming to the Honda Center on Saturday August 28th from 11:30 AM to 7:00 PM. The one-day event will be the ultimate foodie […]
Check out this cool video that Average Betty put together about all the wonderfully fried food at this years Orange County Fair!
Ever since I heard that there was a place in Orange County that makes hams I’ve wanted to visit Stefano’s Golden Baked Hams in Yorba Linda. Then my buddy Jeff over at Food Frenzy went there a couple of weeks ago and I knew I had to check them out […]
What’s this, I’m talking about a Brewery and it is Bootlegger’s Brewery in Fullerton, not the more popular Brewery in Placentia? This mention of Bootlegger’s Brewery is totally Dave Lieberman from the OC Weekly’s fault, since he brought them to my attention after writing about them on the Stick a […]
Check out our friend Cynthia Furey’s list of places to eat for Mother’s Day this weekend over at her Taste of Orange blog. You’ll find specials for both Saturday and Sunday.