Just wanted to share this video of Del Taco’s new Super Special Show, I’ve located my new favorite band, “Mr. Nibbles and the Chinchillas”! This may not be entertaining to everyone but I find it quite funny. Don’t worry reviews will be back soon enough.
Funny Stuff
Image via CrunchBase. You might have noticed I add my blog reviews to Urbanspoon, along with that I like to follow other people’s reviews to see if they match with my feelings of the restaurants I visit. I decided to check and see how the reviews of Kimmie’s Coffee Cup […]
How about this for a cross promotion. Burger Kings in Japan are selling a 7 patty Whopper to commemorate the launch of Microsoft Windows 7. For sale at a special price of ¥777 (@$8.50) for the first 30 customers each day and then sold for the normal price which is […]
Did Jack in the Box kill mascot Jack in Super Bowl ad? – Fast Food Maven – OCRegister.com. Oh no did Jack die?!?! I can’t get to the website right now but it looks like Jack might be dead again… Hang in there Jack