Some of you may have heard of sous vide before. It’s the process of cooking food in a sealed container of some sort while immersed in a water bath. Looking through some of the new projects on Kickstarter introduced me to these people who have developed the Nomiku. A simple […]
How Do I Cook?
For the past year I’ve read a number of forum posts and blog posts from many people that use BBQ Smokers, one particular topic stood out, building their own smoker. Although I’ve been very happy with the side box smoker that I purchased over a year ago, I’ve wanted to […]
I’ve been meaning to get to this all week but my day job has been hectic. Here is a round-up of our Thanksgiving for 2010. For Thanksgiving we went to my in-laws, turkey and ham where on the menu. We took it upon ourselves to make a completely from scratch […]
I saw this great sounding carnitas recipe from Kenji on Serious Eats awhile ago. Carnitas are one of my favorite types of meats to order when I’m having Mexican, and I have wanted to take a stab at making it myself. One of my main issues with cooking carnitas in […]
I made another wonderful recipe out of my Miss Vickie’s Big Book of Pressure Cooker Recipes a couple of nights ago with just a few basic changes. This is one of the quintessential ‘home cooked’ meals that will remind you of those lost days of being a kid. The nice […]
Talk about slow cooking. This past weekend we purchased a Brinkman Smoke’n Pit grill from Home Depot. I’ve been very interested in trying to smoke true BBQ so I got a multitasker for the job. Not only can this grill smoke meat but you can also use it for regular […]
So on Wednesday night we cooked the flowering kale that we had picked up an Albertson’s mention in the earlier blog post. I decided to turn it into Crispy Kale per the recipe I found at Steamy Kitchen . Even with cooking it as the recipe suggested it didn’t really […]
Image by ddsnet via Flickr So another new once in a while feature here on Eat in OC. How Do I Cook! I convinced Mrs. DanGarion last night while we were doing grocery shopping that we should start expanding our vegetable comfort by exploring those vegetables at the store that we have […]