If you are ever stuck out in Corona near the I-15, 91 and Magnolia you should check out Los Dogos. I went there a couple days ago when I was working at my day jobs Corona office for lunch at they make fantastic Sonora Style Hot Dogs. Bacon wrapped dog, […]
Inland Empire
[singlepic=163,320,240,,left]Long ago, before I was born Carl Karcher of Carl’s Jr. fame used to sell hot dogs and went on to found Carl’s Jr. which at one time sold Chili Dogs. I heard from Nancy over at Fast Food Maven that Carl’s Jr. was testing out Chili Dogs in some […]
Just wanted to let those of you that live in Ontario near Jurupa and the I-15 that there is a new Del Taco that officially opened up yesterday. I went there today to pick up some lunch and it was packed. The parking situation is going to be a little […]
So I’m out in the fun, hot, dirt, hot, fertilizing smelling, HOT world of Ontario this week due to work so I’m doing an out from the Orange Curtain review this week as I try to not melt from the 100 degree heat of the Inland Empire. Have you ever […]