Good solid Fish Burrito from Jalapenos Mexican Restaurant in Orange that I had after not eating all day because I forgot my wallet on a trip down to San Diego for work (didn’t eat breakfast either!). Jalapenos used to be a 2-3 times a month visit when I worked in […]
Here are some pictures of a chorizo breakfast burrito I had a couple weeks ago from Le Reina Market in Orange. One of the cheapest meat breakfast burritos I’ve ever had at only $2.99. It was pretty good. I’m not extremely family with chorizo except that I know it’s a […]
So after work today I went and picked up some Corned Beef and sausages from Mattern Sausage in Orange (more on the sausage next week). This enabled us to has delicious corned beef sandwiches for dinner! Check out this masterpiece I made! Triple decker corned beef sandwich, Frank’s sauerkraut, with swiss […]
It’s another day and another new feature here on Eat in OC, where you the readers share your reviews about local restaurants in Orange County. Todays review of Francoli Gourmet Italian Restaurant in Orange comes from Jennifer Lentz who describes herself as Old Town consumer and supporter. I was finally […]
It’s really here! An actual review of Haven Gastropub in Orange. The restaurant that I declared the best new restaurant of 2009 that we visited has officially been given the Eat in OC restaurant review treatment. Fortunately no Special OPs covert sneaking was needed to do the review. I’ve wanted […]
Here are some pictures from a visit to DeSimone Delicatessen in Orange that I took a couple weeks ago. Since they had a sign that said they had “The Best Cuban Sandwich is Orange County”, I had to try it. The Cuban ($5.70) isn’t a typical sandwich I would order, […]
On a recent weekday I had off I visited Spiro’s Restaurant in Orange, hoping to find another breakfast place for us to visit on the weekends (we usually go to The Filling Station or Arthur’s Coffee Shop). Unfortunately although the service at Spiro’s was nice and attentive, their food well […]
Just wanted to share something I saw at Arthur’s Family Restaurant in Orange tonight. Kids under 10 eat free with an adult meal purchase from 4:30 to 8:30 on Thursday through Saturday (the only nights they are open). Sounds like a pretty good deal. Try their awesome bread pudding that […]