I’ve mentioned events happening at The Bruery in Placentia a several times here on Eat in OC, well here is another one! Tomorrow, Saturday December 12th The Bruery is hosting a Beer Geek Show and Tell, where you bring a beer to share and get to also imbibe the brews […]
I’m very fortunate to have both a Philly’s Best down the street from my house in Orange, as well as a Philly’s Best down the street from my office in Anaheim. I even think to myself sometimes that I’m the luckiest man in the world that I have a loving […]
Have you ever been to The Bruery in Placentia? It’s not really a restaurant, heck it’s not even a bar. The Bruery is an Orange County microbrewery that just also happens to have it’s own tasting room. Every Friday from 2Pm-8PM and every Saturday from 12PM-6PM their tasting room is […]
King’s Teriyaki Burgers & Tacos? That just about covers the whole gamut, doesn’t it? This place is around the corner from my work, so I’ve visited it more then once and I’ve tried all three types of their food fare that they have. I think the biggest compliment I can […]
I’m still recovering from my terrific meal I had for lunch today at El Farolito. It was delicious! The place was packed like most places are on Fridays during the lunch hour, but fortunately when I eat lunch during the week I normally roll alone, so I didn’t have to […]
I’m a huge fan of El Farolito that is down the street from this place, so a couple Friday’s ago I took some coworkers to El Farolito for lunch, but we go there too late and they were packed. So we started looking for somewhere else to eat and saw […]