Once again, this weekend is the weekend to support our local Fullerton College Horticulture department by purchasing tomato plants. Every year Fullerton has a wide range of vareities ranging from Beefsteak to Slicers, over 50 different tomatoes to choose from! In addition they always have a nice selection of both […]
As many of you know, besides doing restaurant reviews I also cook (as seen by the recipes I’ve posted here) as well as grow some of my own vegetables. The hardest part about growing your own veggies is figuring out what to do with them, especially when they all decide […]
Only a couple weeks away for Orange’s new Farmers Market! Old Towne Orange to Celebrate Grand Opening of Weekly Farmers & Artisans Market on Saturday, May 7th Market to be held weekly at Chapman University’s Historic Villa Park Orchards Packinghouse Parking Lot at Cypress & Palm Avenues from […]
I forgot to post a reminder about the Fullerton College Horticulture Department Tomato Sale that was just this past weekend. I was able to swing by there on Saturday morning and get a nice assortment of tomatoes and peppers, including a Brandywine! If you haven’t got your tomatoes yet, it’s […]
I’ve been meaning to get to this all week but my day job has been hectic. Here is a round-up of our Thanksgiving for 2010. For Thanksgiving we went to my in-laws, turkey and ham where on the menu. We took it upon ourselves to make a completely from scratch […]
I saw this great sounding carnitas recipe from Kenji on Serious Eats awhile ago. Carnitas are one of my favorite types of meats to order when I’m having Mexican, and I have wanted to take a stab at making it myself. One of my main issues with cooking carnitas in […]
So last week, Mrs. DanGarion and I cooked up some Tri-Tip for fajitas. The recipe I used was adapted by the Serious Eats crew from the Robb Walsh book Tex-Mex Grill and Backyard Barbacoa Cookbook. Along with the tri-tip, I roasted up home-grown veggies from our garden, and whipped up […]
So on Wednesday night we cooked the flowering kale that we had picked up an Albertson’s mention in the earlier blog post. I decided to turn it into Crispy Kale per the recipe I found at Steamy Kitchen . Even with cooking it as the recipe suggested it didn’t really […]