Once again, this weekend is the weekend to support our local Fullerton College Horticulture department by purchasing tomato plants. Every year Fullerton has a wide range of vareities ranging from Beefsteak to Slicers, over 50 different tomatoes to choose from! In addition they always have a nice selection of both […]
As many of you know, besides doing restaurant reviews I also cook (as seen by the recipes I’ve posted here) as well as grow some of my own vegetables. The hardest part about growing your own veggies is figuring out what to do with them, especially when they all decide […]
I forgot to post a reminder about the Fullerton College Horticulture Department Tomato Sale that was just this past weekend. I was able to swing by there on Saturday morning and get a nice assortment of tomatoes and peppers, including a Brandywine! If you haven’t got your tomatoes yet, it’s […]
So on Wednesday night we cooked the flowering kale that we had picked up an Albertson’s mention in the earlier blog post. I decided to turn it into Crispy Kale per the recipe I found at Steamy Kitchen . Even with cooking it as the recipe suggested it didn’t really […]
I’ve been meaning to post some pictures of our vegetable garden this year. This year we not only have the 3 foot by 6 foot space we used last year but we also built two 3 feet by 5 feet raised beds. All vegetables were purchased from Fullerton College Tomato […]
It’s that time again for the 2010 Fullerton College Horticulture Department Tomato Sale (click here for details)! For just over $2 a plant you can get already growing tomato plants to add to your vegetable garden. Last year we purchased 8 tomato plants along with 2 pepper plants. I haven’t decided exactly […]
We had the pleasure of being invited to the pre-grand opening of the newest Veggie Grill location in Irvine. It was a reservation only meal provided to us free of charge! Although both Veggie Grill and Native Foods have been on our list to review, we just had never got […]