[singlepic=163,320,240,,left]Long ago, before I was born Carl Karcher of Carl’s Jr. fame used to sell hot dogs and went on to found Carl’s Jr. which at one time sold Chili Dogs. I heard from Nancy over at Fast Food Maven that Carl’s Jr. was testing out Chili Dogs in some […]
Monthly Archives: February 2009
Many a reviewer has confused the Costa Mesa Omelette Parlor for Chester Drawers Inn and I’m here to set the record straight. Chester Drawers Inn is/was a bar, Costa Mesa Omelette Parlor is/still is a restaurant. From my understanding both businesses share the same door, but Chester Drawers Inn is […]
While in Garden Grove during lunchtime I went to the Guacamole Grille #3. [singlepic=156,320,240,,center] Don’t ask me where #1 and #2 are since I’m unable to locate either of them when I go on Google or Yelp (unless it’s related to the one in Lakewood). Also what’s up with these […]
In case you hadn’t already heard… — Crispy Shrimp Tacos are Back for a Limited Time Only– (Lake Forest, CA) Feb. 25, 2009 –Del Taco’s bringing shrimp back! The bold, great taste of Del Taco’s Crispy Shrimp Taco is back for a limited time only, beginning today and available while […]
Yesterday in the mail we got a flier for the Fullerton College Horticulture Department annual tomato sale. I’d never heard of this event, so I’m happy that the previous owners were signed up on their mailing list. Mrs. DanGarion and I have been looking into planting a vegetable garden in […]
Now that I’m officially a resident of the city of Orange I figured my first official review as a resident would be one of Scottie’s Smokehouse, the newest BBQ joint in Orange. I’d seen Scottie’s a couple times, tucked in the same strip mall as Poncho’s Mexican Restaurant and I […]
Sorry about the last 2 months and the lack of posts/reviews. As some of you may have read my wife and I were in the process of purchasing a house. We closed escrow on 01/15/2009, moved in on 02/07/09, and as of today we have Internet, TV, and Digital Phone […]
Did Jack in the Box kill mascot Jack in Super Bowl ad? – Fast Food Maven – OCRegister.com. Oh no did Jack die?!?! I can’t get to the website right now but it looks like Jack might be dead again… Hang in there Jack