Orange, California Restaurant Reviews

The Best Breakfast Burrito in Orange County is at Troy’s Burgers, in Orange

Red Sauce at Troy's Burgers? (with green as well)
Red Sauce at Troy's Burgers? (with green as well)

I’m sure many of you have already heard this before, but I wanted to make sure you all know that the best breakfast burritos in Orange County are at Troy’s Burgers, in Orange on Lincoln. What makes them so go you ask? It’s the sauce. The green sauce they have there is like no other, and it appears that they now have added a just as amazing red sauce that pairs perfectly well with their burritos. Unless I just never noticed it before, I could have sworn they only had green…

The perfect breakfast burrito at Troy's Burgers
The perfect breakfast burrito at Troy's Burgers

Where do you get your favorite breakfast burritos from?

[xrr rating=5/5]

Troy’s Burgers
404 E. Lincoln Ave.
Orange, CA 9286

Troy's Burgers on Urbanspoon